Completed development of domestic cosmetic raw materials08
using high-quality refining technology
05Commercialization of eco-friendly technology
for heavy metal removal
Completed development of 12 birthstones05
11Export and supply to Asia
Exporting as a raw material for special textile/fibers10
02Export and supply to Europe
Development of high-purity refining technology for raw materials06
(Technical Guidance Project of the Korea
Institute of Geological Resources)
02Amethyst Powder, Supply Overseas Market
Completed the development of 7 types of jewelry raw materials10
02Started development of jewelry raw materials
Technology guidance project selection07
by the Small and Medium Business Administration:
Development of technology
for refining raw materials for cosmetics
02Nephrite(Jade) Powder,
CTFA registration and overseas market supply
Nephrite(Jade) Powder, supplied to cosmetic companies10
01Supply of Sericite raw materials to cosmetic companies
Development of a sericite mine04
12Woojin Powder established